Shamprasad Varija Raghu
I did my undergraduate and Master's degree from Mangalore University, India. I completed my doctoral studies with Rajashekhar Patil at Mangalore University and postdoctoral work with Alexander Borst at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology. During my doctoral studies, I worked with Karl Fischbach at the University of Freiburg as a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Fellow. Currently I am working on development of new neuro-anatomical tools and behavioral assays.
Contact details: [email protected]| Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School | #04-18 Proteos Building, 61 Biopolis Drive, Singapore-138673| Ph: +65-90693755
1. Hermann Cuntz, Friedrich Forstner, Bettina Schnell, Shamprasad Varija Raghu, Alexander Borst (2013). Preservation of dendrite function under extreme scaling. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71540.
2. Shamprasad Varija Raghu*, Jing Claussen, Alexander Borst (2013).Neurons with GABAergic phenotype in the visual system of Drosophila. J. Comp. Neurol. 521(1):252-65.
3. Bettina Schnell, Shamprasad Varija Raghu, Aljoscha Nern, Alexander Borst (2012). Columnar cells Necessary for motion responses of wide-field visual interneurons in Drosophila. J Comp. Physiol A, 198(5):389-395.
4. Shamprasad Varija Raghu*, Alexander Borst (2011). Candidate glutamatergic neurons in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE, 6(5): e1947.
5. Shamprasad Varija Raghu*, Dierk F. Reiff, Alexander Borst (2011). Neurons with cholinergic phenotype in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Comp. Neurol.,519:162–176.
6. Maximilian Joesch, Bettina Schnell, Shamprasad Varija Raghu, Dierk F. Reiff, Alexander Borst (2010). On and off pathways in Drosophila motion vision. Nature, 468:300-304.
7. Bettina Schnell, Maximilian Joesch, Friedrich Foerstner, Shamprasad Varija Raghu, Otsuna H, Ito K, Alexander Borst, Dierk F. Reiff (2010). Processing of horizontal optic flow in three visual interneurons of the Drosophila brain J Neurophysiol., 103:1646-1657.
8. Shamprasad Varija Raghu, Maximilian Joesch, Stephan Sigrist, Alexander Borst, Dierk F. Reiff (2009). Synaptic organization of lobula plate tangential cells in Drosophila: Dα7 cholinergic receptors. J. Neurogenetics, 23:200-209.
9. Shamprasad Varija Raghu*, Maximilian Joesch, Alexander Borst and Dierk F. Reiff (2007). Synaptic organization of lobula plate tangential cells in Drosophila: γ-Aminobutyric acid receptors and chemical release sites. J. Comp. Neurol., 502:598-610.
10. Rajashekhar K P and Shamprasad V R (2004). Golgi analysis of tangential neurons in the lobula plate of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Biosci., 29:93-104.
11. Rajashekhar K P and Shamprasad V R (2004). Maxillary palp glomeruli and ipsilateral projections in the antennal lobe of Drosophila melanogaster. J Biosci., 29:423-9.
* Corresponding author