Mashiur Rahman
Instrumentation Engineer

I love to build instruments! The journey starts with the designing of hardware from conceptual phase, followed by implementation phase, writing software for control systems and data
acquisition, and finally develop data analysis & reporting system. The journey is not smooth, as it has lots of design improvement, bug fixing and testing. Then demonstrates the equipments for scientific findings. Usually the journey ends with commercialization of the instruments.
Currently I am working for a novel associative action learning assay in Drosophila.
I received Bachelor and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan), and PhD in physics from the Graduate University of Advanced Studies (Japan).
Currently I am working for a novel associative action learning assay in Drosophila.
I received Bachelor and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan), and PhD in physics from the Graduate University of Advanced Studies (Japan).
You can find my details publication list and citation at Google Scholar Page.
Selected publications:
Selected publications:
- YH Kim, MM Rahman, ZL Zhang, N Misawa, R Tero, T Urisu, "Supported lipid bilayer formation by the giant vesicle fusion induced by vesicle–surface electrostatic attractive interaction", Chemical physics letters, 420, 2006
- T Urisu, MM Rahman, H Uno, R Tero, Y Nonogaki, "Formation of high-resistance supported lipid bilayer on the surface of a silicon substrate with microelectrodes", Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 317-322, 2005
- MM Rahman, R Tero, T Urisu, "Shrinking of spin-on-glass films induced by synchrotron radiation and its application to three-dimensional microfabrications", Japanese journal of applied physics, 43, 2004
- MM Rahman, Y Nonogaki, R Tero, YH Kim, H Uno, ZL Zhang, T Yano, "Giant vesicle fusion on microelectrodes fabricated by femtosecond laser ablation followed by synchrotron radiation etching", Japanese journal of applied physics, 44, 2005
- H Takatsuki, M Kolli, KM Rice, BS Day, S Asano, M Rahman, Y Zhang, "Assembly and function of myosin II on ultraviolet/ozone patterned trimethylchlorosilane substrates", Journal of Bionanoscience, 35-41, 2008
- MM Rahman, H Uchida, K Nishimura, M Inoue, "Structural analysis of adenosine molecules on HOPG surface by STM observation and molecular orbital calculations", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2002, 26-28, 2002
- ML Norton, BS Day, H Cao, M Rahman, A Gin, "Arrays of Nanoarrays: Elements of Binding", Sensors Journal, IEEE 8 (6), 874-879, 2008
- M Rahman, BS Day, H Cao, H Butts, ML Norton, "Ordered DNA arrays prepared via soft lithography", Optics East, 637012-637012-9, 2006